About Us

SharePoint DNA Training Institute is one training institute where online interactive training is a common experience and many students in the past have learned, mastered, got certified and landed excellent jobs on their way to their careers. Our training takes place with well-prepared training materials. We provide documentation and the best interview preparation materials for learners.

SharePoint DNA Training Institute has access to a faculty of esteemed and highly qualified consultants to deliver the courses. These instructors are not in any way academics, but rather specialists actively involved in consulting to business in their particular fields. This gives the learners a fuller insight of the needs and as well as knowledge about actual and future trends in the market, and makes the courses extremely practical and relevant.

We don’t just give training and leave you on your own but support you even after you get into the job. We are providing web based online training in major IT Courses, where you can sit at home in front of the system and learn without travel or relocate during the training program. You can practice exercises and real-time projects which are given by our esteemed instructors.

Training is conducted by experienced and certified Instructors. Prestigious clients are included in our Clientele list and 100% Successful placement for excellent candidates.

SharePoint Training Institute is an online provider of IT technologies training products for individual and for corporate groups our training manuals and programs are designed to be used in a self-study or home based training environment. This allows any student the ability to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Self-paced training is a very effective method of training and can be used with any schedule and with no previous experience. Effective results can be achieved in as little as 15 minute blocks of time not hours or days as is common with seminars and schedule courses.

All our materials are available with instant download which means you can get started on your training within minutes. The result is that you can show noticeable improvement in less than a day with our training.

Our materials are designed to be used in a self-study or home based environment so anyone can fit this training into any schedule no matter how busy it may be. Self-study also allows an individual the ability to train at their own pace and not have to worry about missing any concepts or being forced to proceed too slow like what might happen in a class or schedule group class.

We are dedicated to providing the very best in Bigclasses.com training while providing quality training at affordable prices. Our goal is to product training that is within the budget of anyone who desires to improve their IT skills.