Tuition & Savings

An efficient workforce is the ultimate ROI.

Industry-leading courses and certifications from Learning Tree are one of the smartest investments you can make for your business. With multiple tuition options from single courses to savings on multi-course plans, we enhance employee skills — increasing your efficiency and ability to reach your strategic goals. This makes highly-trained staffers valuable dividends that pay on a daily basis. And with Learning Tree:

  • There is NO advance payment required
  • Tuition is due 30 days AFTER course completion

Tuition is the Same for In-Class or AnyWare™ Course Participation


First-Time Attendee Returning


Rs. 580 Rs. 550


Rs. 1,950 Rs. 1,755


Rs. 2,650 Rs. 2,385


Rs. 2,990 Rs. 2,695


Rs. 3,190 Rs. 2,875


First-Time Attendee Returning


Rs. 520 Rs. 490


Rs. 1,532 Rs. 1,379


Rs. 2,355 Rs. 2,120


Rs. 2,659 Rs. 2,393


Rs. 2,833 Rs. 2,550

Get More for Your Money with Multi-Course Tuition Plans

Training Passports for Individuals
Training Vouchers for Teams

Meet Individual Training Goals

with Learning Tree Training Passports

Our 3- and 4-course training passports encourage employees to take on a learning path instead of a single course, and are valid for up to 24 months. With a Learning Tree Training Passport, your employees will:

  • Grow and deepen skills beyond a single course to enhance the value of their contributions to current and future projects
  • Advance towards certifications, college credits, PDUs and CEUs to advance their careers
  • Save your organization money by lowering the standard per-course price

Train Your Entire Team

with Learning Tree Training Vouchers

Available to any employee within your organization, our flexible, easy-to-redeem training vouchers are valid for 12 months and available in packs from 3 to 200 courses. We can even set up individual training agreements per department or team within your organization to streamline your training schedule and your budget. With Learning Tree Training Vouchers, you will:

  • Save your organization money by lowering the standard per-course price
  • Maintain transparency with personalized monthly voucher usage reports per team or department
  • Save time by managing an entire year’s worth of training for the entire organization — with one transaction

There’s More To It Than Classes. Every Learning Tree Course Tuition Includes:

Comprehensive Course Materials

Attendees will be provided access to electronic copies of instructor presentations, hands-on exercises and handouts for each course.

FREE Online Course Exams

Attendees can take their exam on the last day of each course to be eligible for Specialist & Expert Certifications.

Complimentary Attendee Benefits

Learning Tree offers a suite of exclusive, complimentary training benefits to all attendees.